January Newsletter – The Nerdy Nanny Returns…
…or at least, is in the process of returning.
You read that right folks. For the last two years TNN Productions has been essentially on hold. First due to the global pandemic, and then as Eve scurried off to grad school to become an even BIGGER Nerd.
But as both are winding to a close (one likely sooner than the other) The Nerdy Nanny is making a comeback!
There will be a lot of incredible projects in the works over the next year including STEM/STEAM content, healthy learning habits for all ages, and possibly live events (if it is safe to so do).
So, whether you are new to us or have been waiting for The Nerdy Nanny to rejoin the world, we would just like to say-
Watch This Space.
– Upcoming Projects –
Website OverHaul
TheNerdyNanny.com is currently under construction to accomodate new needs and our expanding platform. You can expect to see new educational resources, supplemental materials, and interactive features coming your way over the next several months as we continue to grow and reach new readers across the globe.
TheNerdyNanny is currently studying for a Masters Degree in Experimental and Medical Bioscience at Linköping University in Sweden.
You can find more information on Eves field of study and ongoing research in Trained Immunity here in our monthly newsletters and at TheNerdyNanny.com
The Nerdy Nanny
Author, Educator, Researcher