The Nerdy Nanny will return in 2023
Hey everyone! I know this will come as a disappointment to many who have been with us from the very beginning but I just want to say how much I value each and every one of you who has been there and supported us from day 1. I can’t imagine getting this far without you.
For those who are new or just found us, don’t worry, we will be back and better than ever… just need to take a little time away.
Why is TNN going on hiatus?
The strain of running TNN while going to Grad School has been weighing on me for a while now. The time demands of my academic responsibilities mean that I just don’t have the time to create the type of high-quality content that I want to present. And as much as I love what we are creating here at The Nerdy Nanny, Grad school HAS to come first. If you have seen any of my YouTube videos, then you will know just how much this opportunity means to me. Science has always been my first love, and being able to work in the field in an active research capacity has always been a dream for me.
As much as I wish it were possible to do absolutely everything all at once, my physical and mental health (along with my test scores) seem to disagree. So I am putting my own motto of #healthyboundaries to the ultimate test, and putting The Nerdy Nanny to bed, for a little while at least.
This is not farewell. I fully expect to be dreaming up new projects and ideas over the next year or so. But by relieving myself of the pressure that comes with needing to see these ideas through to completion, I will be able to devote the time and mental energy towards my studies while exploring new creative ideas and avenues in my free time.
You can still find all 6 of my published books for sale on Amazon and plenty of family activities and academic resources right here at The Nerdy But, until 2022 at least, there will be no new content.
Until we meet again –